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How is Flutter different from Angular 1?

In the realm of web and mobile app development, there are various frameworks available to streamline the process. Two popular frameworks that have gained significant attention are Flutter and Angular 1. While both serve the purpose of building interactive applications, they differ in several aspects, including language and syntax, development approach, user interface components, performance, community support, and industry adoption. This article aims to delve into the dissimilarities between Angular 1 and Flutter app development, helping you understand the unique features and advantages each offers.

Overview of Flutter and Angular 1

Before diving into the comparisons, let’s briefly introduce Flutter and Angular 1. Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit (SDK) created by Google. It allows developers to build native-like applications for multiple platforms, including Android, iOS, web, and desktop, using a single codebase. On the other hand, Angular 1, also known as AngularJS, is a JavaScript-based open-source front-end web application framework maintained by Google. It focuses primarily on building dynamic single-page applications (SPAs).

Language and Syntax Comparison


Flutter employs Dart as its programming language. Dart is a modern, object-oriented language with a syntax similar to languages like Java and JavaScript. It offers a concise and readable code structure, making it relatively easy for developers to understand and maintain their projects.

Angular 1

Angular 1, on the other hand, utilizes JavaScript and HTML as its primary languages. JavaScript is a widely-used scripting language known for its versatility and extensive ecosystem. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard language for creating web pages, providing a declarative approach to building user interfaces.

Development Approach Comparison


Flutter follows a reactive and declarative programming approach. It utilizes a widget-based system, where everything is a widget, including the user interface components, layout, and even the app itself. Developers can create complex UI structures by composing and nesting widgets, enabling efficient UI updates and smooth animations.

Angular 1

Angular 1 employs a model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern. It separates the application’s logic, data, and presentation into three distinct components, making it easier to manage and scale complex applications. It offers powerful data binding and dependency injection features, facilitating the development process.

User Interface Components Comparison


Flutter provides a rich set of customizable UI components called widgets. These widgets are highly composable, allowing developers to create pixel-perfect designs. Flutter’s widget catalog includes buttons, text fields, sliders, and various layout widgets, empowering developers to build visually appealing and interactive interfaces.

Angular 1

Angular 1 utilizes directives to create reusable UI components. Directives allow developers to extend HTML syntax with custom attributes and elements, enabling the creation of dynamic and interactive web applications. Angular 1 provides a wide range of built-in directives, such as ngModel, ngRepeat, and ngIf, simplifying the development of complex UI behaviors.

Performance Comparison


Flutter excels in terms of performance due to its unique architecture. It eliminates the need for a JavaScript bridge by compiling Dart code to native machine code, enabling faster startup times and smoother animations. Flutter’s rendering engine, Skia, ensures consistent performance across different platforms, resulting in highly responsive and performant applications.

Angular 1

Angular 1, being a JavaScript-based framework, relies on the browser’s JavaScript engine for execution. While it delivers satisfactory performance for smaller applications, larger projects might experience performance bottlenecks due to the overhead of interpreting JavaScript. However, optimizations like code minification and caching can mitigate these issues to some extent.

Community and Ecosystem Comparison


Flutter has gained significant traction in the developer community, backed by strong support from Google. It boasts an active and rapidly growing community, with numerous online resources, forums, and open-source packages available. Flutter’s ecosystem offers powerful tools, libraries, and plugins, simplifying various development tasks and accelerating the app-building process.

Angular 1

Angular 1 has been around for quite some time and has amassed a large community of developers. However, since Angular 1 is an older version of Angular, its community and ecosystem have somewhat shifted focus to newer iterations. While it still has resources and community support available, developers might find more vibrant support for newer Angular versions.

Popularity and Industry Adoption Comparison


Flutter has gained immense popularity since its release. Its ability to create cross-platform apps with native-like performance has attracted developers and businesses alike. Many prominent companies, including Google, Alibaba, and Tencent, have adopted Flutter for their applications. The rising popularity of Flutter indicates its potential as a leading framework for multi-platform app development in Houston, Atlanta, Los Angeles and other USA cities.

Angular 1

Angular 1 enjoyed significant popularity when it was first introduced. Many enterprises and organizations embraced Angular 1 for developing robust web applications. However, with the release of Angular 2 and subsequent versions, the industry’s focus shifted to the newer iterations. While Angular 1 is still used in some legacy projects, its adoption has decreased over time.


In summary, Flutter and Angular 1 offer distinct approaches to web and mobile app development. Flutter, with its Dart language, reactive programming model, and customizable widgets, excels in building high-performance cross-platform applications. On the other hand, Angular 1, with its JavaScript and HTML-based approach, empowers developers to create dynamic web applications using directives and an MVC architecture. Consider your project requirements and development preferences to make an informed choice between these two frameworks.


  1. Is Flutter better than Angular 1 for mobile app development? Flutter provides a more native-like experience and offers faster performance compared to Angular 1 for mobile app development. However, the choice depends on the specific project requirements and developer expertise.
  2. Can I use Flutter and Angular 1 together in a single project? It’s technically possible to use Flutter and Angular 1 together, but it would require integrating them using a webview or similar approaches. It’s generally recommended to choose one framework based on your project’s needs.
  3. Which framework has better community support: Flutter or Angular 1? Flutter has a more active and rapidly growing community with strong support from Google. Angular 1 still has resources and community support available, but it’s worth noting that newer Angular versions have gained more popularity.
  4. Are there migration paths available from Angular 1 to Flutter? Since Flutter and Angular 1 are different frameworks with distinct architectures, there is no direct migration path available. However, you can leverage your knowledge of JavaScript and Dart to ease the transition to Flutter.
  5. Which framework is more suitable for building large-scale applications? Both Flutter and Angular 1 can handle large-scale applications, but Flutter’s reactive programming model and performant UI rendering make it an attractive choice for building complex and visually-rich applications.

About The Author

blog author
Junaid Mohsin

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