Years of Service
Trusting Clients
Cities with Head Office in the United States
What We Believe
We are committed to ethics, strong corporate governance, and human rights, which is the key driver of all our business strategies. At all times, it's essential for us to safeguard our employees, clients, and brand while maintaining a transparent system since we believe long-lasting relationships are built on trust.
Respect for Individuals
Our workplace values diversity and unique contributions that allow employees and clients to foster a trusting, open, and all-inclusive environment. How clients treat our employees, and vice versa, reflects Trango Tech’s true values.
Equal Employment Opportunities
Trango Tech follows an anti-discriminatory approach toward all aspects of the business. We use a unified recruitment process that prioritizes the skills and qualities of the applicant itself. Our workforce comprises a diverse workforce belonging to all major and minor races, cultures, ethnicities, and nationalities.
Data Privacy
As a digitally engrossed business, safeguarding our client's data is our utmost priority and responsibility. Our team continually evolves and uses various approaches to protect all sensitive data and provide data protection.
Responsible AI
As a leading digital transformation company, our footsteps matter. That’s why we’re acutely sensitive about data extraction and considerate about AI-related technologies to ensure we’re positively impacting society.